Frequently asked questions

What is the address of the apartment?

The exact address is Visegrádi utca (street) 21. (Zip:1132)


The apartment is located right at the heart of the city.

You can easily reach our place with public transportation.

Will be anybody else in the apartment?

Its private apartment, all Yours, nobody will be there, only You

Checking in and checking out.

Checking in:     14:00pm

Checking out:   11:00am

Please make sure You are ready by 11:00 am, because

the lady who helps us to clean the apartment always

arrives at 11am. Thank You!

Can I check in earlier?

Before 11:00am our previous quests are in the apartment.

Between 11:00am and 14:00pm we clean the apartment,

You can drop Your luggages, but the apartment will be

cleaned and ready by 14:00pm

Make sure You pick up the key.

Can I leave my luggages after 11:00am?

Many times we have new guests arriving, therefore you can leave your luggage in the apartment until 11am.
If you leave Budapest later in the afternoon, I recommend the luggage storage in WestEnd City center:

Can I arrive late at the flat?

Your late arrive is not a problem I leave a key for You.


Do I need to bring sheets and towels?

The apartment is fully equiped, we give You almost everything.

How much is the taxi betwen the apartment and the airport?

A ride to the city center should typically cost around

8000 HUF (26 EUR) depending on traffic conditions.